• 教师
  • 埃文Dawley
  • 埃文Dawley


    埃文Dawley is 副教授 of 历史 at 云顶集团 College, where he has taught since 2013, and he previously worked in the Office of the Historian at the U.S. 部门 的国家. His research relates to modern East Asian 历史, with particular attention 到台湾, 中国, 和日本, 以及身份的形成, 帝国主义, 与国际/跨国 历史. 他的第一部专著, 成为台湾人:19世纪80年代至50年代殖民城市的民族起源该书于2019年由哈佛亚洲中心出版社出版. 他发表过论文。 on Japanese women settlers in Taiwan during the 1910s, the deportation of Japanese from Taiwan after 1945, and on recent scholarship on Taiwanese identity. 他曾参与编辑 第一次世界大战的十年:1910年代的日本和更广阔的世界, with Tosh Minohara and Tze-ki Hon (Brill, 2014), and is co-editor of 超越凡尔赛:1919年东亚的时刻,与Tosh Minohara,即将到来. 在他的新项目中,暂定名为“中国” at 首页, Chinese Abroad, and the International Construction of Chinese Nationalism,” he explores the relations between the ROC government and communities of Chinese and Taiwanese abroad, and interactions with foreign governments around these communities, 从20世纪20年代到70年代.



    我的第一本书, 成为台湾, sought to answer two main questions: who are the Taiwanese, and how did they become 所以在多次殖民浪潮的背景下? 关注社会历史 of Taiwan’s northern port city of Jilong, I uncovered a 历史 of identity construction that challenges standard narratives of Taiwanese national identity and argues for a process of ethno-genesis and a dynamic, overlapping but not coterminous, relationship 种族与民族主义. 在我的下一个项目“国内的华人,国外的华人”中, I am looking at the process of national construction, and the fissures within the modern nation-state, by exploring how nationalities are constructed across and between states through outreach to, and disputes around, overseas Chinese communities in Japan, 新加坡,越南和美国.



    超越凡尔赛:1919年东亚的时刻, co-editor with Tosh Minohara, under contract with Lexington Books, forthcoming

    The Decade of the Great War: Japan’s Interactions with the Wider World in the 1910s,与Tosh Minohara和Tze-ki Hon共同编辑,布里尔,2014年

    关于“台湾”的条目,在 1914-1918-在线:第一次世界大战国际百科全书, Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, 比尔·纳森编辑.,由Freie Universität Berlin发布,柏林2019-05-13; http://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/taiwan/2019-05-13?version=1.0

    “中国, Japan, and Overseas Chinese: The International Process of Nation-State Building “五四”时期 超越凡尔赛:1919年东亚的时刻, Minohara和Dawley编.,列克星敦出版社,即将出版

    “Finding Meaning in Time and Space: Periodisation and Taiwan-Centred 历史,” 国际台湾研究杂志2018年8月

    “Closing a Colony: The Meanings of Japanese Deportation from Taiwan after World War 第二,“在 日本台湾:殖民统治及其争议遗产,安德鲁·莫里斯编辑,布卢姆斯伯里出版社,2015年

    “Religion, Ideology, Culture and the Integration/Disintegration of the Pacific World,” in 全球化时代的亚太,由Iriye Akira和K.C. Johnson, Palgrave, 2015

    “Women on the Move: Shifting Patterns in Migration and the Colonization of Taiwan,” in The Decade of the Great War: Japan’s Interactions with the Wider World in the 1910s, Minohara, Hon和Dawley,编辑., Brill, 2014

    “Expanding Japan: Reforming Society through Social Work in Colonial Taiwan,” in Tumultuous Decade: Japan’s Challenge to the International System, 19311941, edited by Masato Kimura and Tosh Minohara, University of Toronto Press, 2013

    “ Question of 身份 in Recent Scholarship on the 历史 of Taiwan,” review 的文章, 《云顶集团》2009年6月



    Taiwan Fellowship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of 中国 (2017)

    Collaborative Scholarship Grant, Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation, Japan (2017)


    Association of Asian Studies 中国-Inner Asian Council Small Grant (2014)

    会议论文 & 小组参与

    “Building and Fracturing the Local: Identities in Japanese-Era Urban Taiwan, 1910–37for panel on “Belonging within the Japanese Empire: 身份 Construction in Greater 中国 across the 20th Century” Annual Conference of the American Historical Association, 2020年1月5日,纽约州纽约

    “Teaching Taiwan: Integrating Taiwan into Asian Studies and Global Humanities and Social Sciences Courses” Annual Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Denver, 2019年3月21日至24日

    “Issues of Access: The Promise and Structural Challenges of Digital Humanities for Scholars of East Asia” Annual Conference of the American Historical Association, Chicago, January 2019; panel organizer.

    “Chinese Diasporic Circulations and Fractured Alliances” Annual Conference of the 亚洲研究协会,华盛顿特区.C.2018年3月24日

    “中国, Japan, and Overseas Chinese: The International Process of Nation-State Building during the May Fourth Era” for symposium on “Beyond Versailles: Reverberations of 香港大学,2017年7月15日

    Qiaowu weiyuanhui, Southeast Asia, and the Postwar Reconstruction of Chineseness” for panel on “Reconfigured Mobilities: 中国, Taiwan, and Transnational Histories of Southeast Asia’s Chinese after 1949” Annual Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Toronto, Canada, 2017年3月15日


    “Similar Dreams, Different Beds: Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement and the Beijing Spring,” for retrospective panel on the 历史 and impact of demonstrations in Beijing in 1989; University of Texas-Austin, September 26-27, 2019

    “成为台湾: Religious Festivals and Ethnogenesis in Colonial Jilong,” University 2019年4月5日,田纳西州查塔努加市.

    “成为台湾: Ethnic 身份 within Chinese 和日本ese Rule” Institute of 台湾史,中央研究院,台北,2017年8月2日

    合作即抵抗? “台湾认同的捍卫”,面向国际 Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, April 7, 2017

    “Defining New Boundaries: Local Elites, Social Organizations, and 身份 Construction in Colonial Jilong, Taiwan, 1895-1937” Johns Hopkins University Program in East Asian 研究演讲系列,巴尔的摩,马里兰州,2016年4月12日


    Association of Asian Studies; American Historical Association; Institute of Taiwan 历史,中央研究院


    Program Committee for American Historical Association Annual Conference (2019)